Dr. Andrea Pennington, an integrative physician, acupuncturist, meditation teacher and conscious communication specialist
Dr. Andrea is also a #1 international bestselling author, highly acclaimed 2x TEDx speaker, visionary brand strategist for Light workers, and Co-founder of the RealSelfLove Movement.
As a sought-after media personality for the last two decades, Dr. Andrea has shared her candid, empowering insights on vitality and resilience on the Oprah Winfrey Show, the Dr. Oz Show, iTV This Morning, CNN, the Today Show, LUXE-TV, Thrive Global and HuffingtonPost and as a news anchor for Discovery Health Channel.
Dr. Andrea has appeared in several newspapers, magazines and online publications including Glamour, Cosmopolitan, Essence, Ebony, Soul & Spirit, Top Santé, The Sun, Red, and Stylist. She has also written or contributed 10 books and her latest book , I Love You, Me! explores her personal journey from depression to real self-love.
Now, as Co-founder of the #RealSelfLove Movement Andrea speaks globally to reduce the stigma of mental illness and to support people on their journey to authentic living. As host of the daily talk show, Liberate Your Authentic Self Andrea brings her insight and inspiration for purposeful living, conscious relationships & soulful success.
As shared in her inspiring TEDx talk entitled ‘Become Who You Really Are‘, Andrea candidly explains that overcoming long history of hidden depression and anxiety came via an out-of-body near death-line experience which allowed her to break free to love and express her authentic self. Her second TEDx on mindfulness and meditation elaborates on how to create a stress-resistant personality with the top 10 traits of highly resilient people.
I meet Andrea at a skype meeting an early morning talking about selflove, and how to transform selffloating to a deep feeling of confidence and selflove.
Learn more about Andrea Pennington by visiting her website andreapennington.com
Om Din vært og forfatter
Inger Hjort, spirituel vejleder, NORDLYS MasterCoach, samtalepartner og event manager.
Ud over at udgive podcast og skrive artikler indgår hun også i en lang række forskellige samarbejder omkring workshops, foredrag og events i ind- og udland. Alt sammen skabt med et ønske om at inspirere, de som er klar til at lytte. Og de som søger indsigt og bevidsthed om egne mønstre og overbevisninger.
I maj 2019 udkom hendes første bog, ‘Den Sensitive Elefant’. Det er en personlig beretning som består af korte tekster, hvor hun deler en række af sine spørgsmål og refleksioner fra sin udviklingsrejse i sin søgen efter fred.